IE4 Crashed my
Desktop Icons

The Active Desktop option of Internet Explorer 4.0 converts your desktop into
a sort of Web Browser. It is not compatible with the neat little animated icons
that come on some Aptiva systems. Several other Aptiva functions are also not
compatible with IE4. To resolve these issues, IBM has released a fix,

Internet Explorer 4.0 updates for Desktop Customization, Aptiva Demo, Kidsroom, MPEG Sound, sage.vxd file and Update Connector
These files update certain applications on your Aptiva to resolve various compatibility issues after the installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. The specific updates applied by these files are for: Aptiva Desktop Customization , Aptiva Demo, Kidsroom, DVD MPEG Sound, Missing Sage.Vxd file, and Aptiva Update Connector.
Downloadable File Details
version: release date: 1997-11-11
file link

filename - size [in bytes]
APTIE4US.EXE - 988061

Supported Machine Types:
2137; 2140; 2142; 2159; 2161; 2162
Additional Information:

Before Installing this Update:

Please verify that you have done the following prior to installing this update:

  1. Close Aptiva Desktop Customization.
  2. Exit the Aptiva Demo (if running).
  3. Close any MPEG applications.
  4. If you wish to use the Kidsroom application, make certain
    that it is installed BEFORE installing Internet Explorer 4.0.
  5. Install IE4.0
  6. Reboot the computer.
  7. Install this update using the instructions below.
Installation Instructions:
  1. Insert the update diskette into drive A:
  2. Click on "Start", then "Run".
  3. Type: "A:\install.bat" and press "Enter"
  4. Follow the on screen prompts.
  5. When update is complete, close any windows or applications
    which may be open, then Restart the computer.

Applicable Countries:

Obviously, not all Aptiva models are included. I assume the reason is
the presence or abscene of the Mwave card. IE4 requires DirectX5,
which the Mwave multifunction card does not support. Once again,
Mwave users are left out in the cold. :-(

If the above file does not help, or if your problems with IE4 are more
serious than that, many issues with the new version of MSIE can be
resolved by just uninstalling the Active Desktop Update rather than
the browser itself.

More details can be found here:

Uninstalling the IE4 Active Desktop Update

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 © 1998, Don Schneider