Upgrade to Windows 95
without IBM's "help"
Prior to beginning this procedure, I
recommend that you backup important files and re-install the Aptiva CD
image from your Recovery CD. This is not necessary but it prevents
errors caused by other programs you may have loaded since the last
restore. Most of your backup, virus, and utility programs will not work
under Windows 95 anyway.
You will need the following files:
- New Windows95 33600 Mwave drivers
- New Windows95 Trident Video Card drivers
- MPEG Drivers
- The Aptiva Windows 95 upgrade diskette
from the IBM software library
[The Upgrade patch should be run last,
after everything else has been installed]
- Uninstall OS/2.
- Run the downloaded install programs, which copies the install files to floppy disks. Have a lot of formatted floppies handy.
- Run the Windows 95 Upgrade as you would with any other system.
- Delete the icon containing the AptivaWare programs. Several of
these programs, particularly the screen settings program and Virus
Protection program, cannot be run on a Windows 95 system without causing
major problems. You must now use the Windows 95 control panel to set
resolution and color depth.
- Delete the Voice Type Control program icon and the c:\VTC
directory. Voice Type Control for Windows 3.1 does not work well in
Windows 95.
- Run each install program from the floppies you made previously.
Follow the specific install directions contained in the readme file on
each floppy.
- Restart your system. Everything should work fine.
DON5408's Unofficial Aptiva Support Site
© 1997-98, Russ Norris
© 1998, Don Schneider