IBM AntiVirus GPFsStartup errors in IBM AntiVirus
General Protection Faults (GPF) or Invalid Page Faults (IPF) in IBMAVTIM.EXE or IBMAVW95.EXE. Often three separate errors will appear at bootup
At startup
All Aptiva systems with IBM AntiVirus
The system DATE in the CMOS/Setup has been set too far in the future, causing these errors in IBM AntiVirus
When you first start your computer, when "Starting Windows 95" is seen tap the F1 key to enter CMOS/Setup. Choose Date/Time from the menu and make sure that the year is set for 1999 and not something like 2099. If the date is wrong correct it and restart the PC
Once in the CMOS (IBM SurePath Setup) navigate using the up and down arrow keys and use the [ENTER] key to enter Time/Date. Once the date is reset tap [ESC] twice and choose the option to "Exit and Save Changes"
Another method by which one can correct the date:
- Click Start > Point to Programs > Click the MS-DOS Prompt
- From a command prompt type DATE xxx and tap [ENTER]
(where xxx = the current date, ex: DATE 11/09/1999) - Type EXIT and tap [ENTER]