What is the Windows Companion CD, Anyway ?
Most of the rest of the computers in the Free World (even cheapo $500 Packard Bells) come with a Windows95 CD. On the frequent occasions when Win95 files become corrupted those possessing this item merely insert that baby and reinstall Windows.
Unfortunately IBM's contract with Bill Gates & Co that brings us the Windows95 OS does not entitle
us to a Win95 CD. That contract states that we are ONLY to reinstall Windows as part of the entire software load (aka the dreaded Product Recovery).
So in place of a *real* Win95 CD we get a "companion" CD. This is a down-rev, non-installable version of Win95. While Windows itself cannot be installed or reinstalled from it, the .CAB files can be used to reinstall Windows Setup programs. Largely the CD is provided as a utility to appease Setup/Install programs that ask you to "Insert your Win95 CD".
Besides that there are a few items of use on this CD that are NOT included in our pre-installed Win95.
So what are they?
Last modified on 11/13/2017 16:17:45
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